Friday, October 21, 2011


My brother, Mike, passed away 2 weeks ago on October 6, 2011. He was 47 years old. Mike fought a very couragious fight against brain cancer. He survived 21 months from the date of his diagnosis in January 2010. He leaves behind his wife and 5 children. It's still very hard for me to believe. He came to the hospital on his way home from work the day I had my baby girl in May. He came into the room with a big, pink teddy bear. We thought many times that he was actually going to win this fight. So many blessings given, so may prayers. He suffered through debilitating pain from the tumors and the chemo and never complained. He was a warrior, fighting until the very end. I've looked up to him my entire life. He was the only sibling I ever really had a relationship with, and he taught me so much about life. It was an honor to be his younger sister and I will miss him immensely.
Mike and I were the last surviving children of my parents, and now it's just me. I have lost my dad and all three siblings within the past six years.

Emma at 3 months

Here is a picture of Emma I took a couple of months ago. She is such a little lady and is so fun to dress up. She loves to giggle at her silly brothers!